Friday, September 4, 2015

General Facts About Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

General Facts About Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

by Nancy Gardner

Cancer is one of the most feared diseases today as it has no cure and slowly destroys the body in a painful manner. Despite the fact that it has no direct cure, many methods of treatment have been developed to kill the cells and prevent them from spreading to other body parts. Early diagnosis is crucial if one is to survive this deadly disease. Prostate cancer is becoming more common by the day. Although it is mostly common amongst old people, many people today are being diagnosed and it is important to know the available <A href="">prostate cancer treatment options</A>.

The development of this disease is mostly attributed to exposure to radiation and bad lifestyle habits like the use of tobacco and alcohol. It is important to note that hereditary factors can contribute to increasing the chances of one developing this deadly disease. Many organizations today are focusing on creating worldwide awareness in a bid to get more people screened periodically.

One of the main challenges to the fight against this disease is lack of awareness. Most people never seek medical attention until when it is too late. It is therefore very important for people to have as much information as possible so as to enable early diagnosis.

Symptoms of this ailment include weak urine flow, pain in back and pelvis that is prolonged, dizziness and prolonged feeling of tiredness. Also, patients may experience burning sensation when urinating. With such symptoms, one is meant to see a doctor immediately before they reach the terminal stage of the disease.

After confirming that one has this disease, the next step in treatment is to determine if it is localized or if it has spread. This is a very crucial stage as this actually determines the choice of treatment methods to be used. IF the diagnosis is made early before the cancerous cells have spread, the prostate gland is surgically removed to prevent spreading of the malignant cells to other parts of the body.

At this point radio therapy can be used to ensure the any cancerous cells in the surrounding tissues are eliminated. Another method that can be used is hormone therapy. When undergoing this treatment method, a patient is given drugs that alter the hormone levels thus slowing down the growth of cancerous cells.

In the event that the cancer has spread to other body parts, drastic measures are taken to try to manage the cancer as the patient is at a critical stage. At this point a patient may undergo both radiotherapy and chemotherapy so at to deal with the cells that have spread to other body parts. In order to increase the chances of survival of a patient, strict doses of radiation and other medication can be administered to reduce spreading of the disease.

Another treatment option available is cryotherapy. During this procedure, the prostate is frozen and later thawed so as to kill the cancerous cells. Also, hormone therapy is used to reduce the growth rate of the cancerous cells. It is important that to note that this method is only temporary and is used to prolong the life of a patient who is at the advanced stages of the disease.

<a href="">Read more about</a> General Facts About Prostate Cancer Treatment Options.

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