Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Doctors Are Understanding Breathwork Therapy

Doctors Are Understanding Breathwork Therapy

by Nancy Gardner

For many years, the world of allopathic medicine has ignored the holistic approach outright. However, as more people have sought a more balanced and affordable way of dealing with disease, the world of science demonized those treatments as dangerous or irrelevant. In recent years the scientific community has been forced to study alternative treatments, such as <A href="">breathwork therapy</A>.

In order to utilize this therapeutic approach, both the doctor and the patient must be willing to acknowledge that there is a connection between the mind and the body. The ancient healers held that the thoughts of the mind could impact the health of the body, and this notion is being renewed. This is not an easy perspective for a very linear-thinking individual to embrace.

Those who follow esoteric practices hold fast to this notion of mind and body connection, stating that one must heal the mind as well as the body in order for health to occur. While negative thinking is a normal part of life and must be acknowledged, when allowed to rule our thoughts it can result in terrible depression. Doctors have long seen that depressed patients do not respond as well to therapy as those who seek to hold to a shinier disposition.

Because a deep-breathing exercise routine promotes relaxation and calm, it is being utilized by psychologists now for patients seeking a non-pharmaceutical treatment for anxiety or panic attacks. It takes practice to control the rate of breathing one is using, and this can prevent the hyperventilation often seen by those who suffer anxiety disorders. For many, these exercises have helped them get through stress without making their emotions a public display.

Anyone who has cared for or just been around an adult with Asperger Syndrome knows what a panic attack meltdown looks like, and how stressful it can be for everyone involved. Many people with Asperger Syndrome have been taught to control their breathing with these methods. Being able to maintain control of themselves in a moment of anxiety can be a great accomplishment.

For anyone undergoing treatment for breathing-related ailments such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, controlling the breathing is very important to maintaining oxygenated blood. In order to maintain a healthy and functioning body, one must have the proper oxygen saturation, and this is tested every time such a patient sees their doctor. Deep breathing helps bring more oxygen into the blood, and this helps clear the mind and heal the body.

The average person will take in more shallow breaths that only fill the lungs. However, we all take in deeper breaths through yawning, which fill the diaphragm and brings oxygen to an area with blood vessels that are more shallow than in the lungs. Yawning is the natural way to maintain a proper O2 saturation, which tells us that the body is already programmed to do what these exercises promote.

For anyone facing serious illness, seeking the advice of your doctor about any additional treatments is highly recommended. It is important that the patient has a physician who appreciates their desire for the whole-body approach to wellness. Anyone who has fought such battles already knows, we must all play an active role in our own struggle to regain health and vitality.

<a href="">Read more about</a> Doctors Are Understanding Breathwork Therapy.

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