Tuesday, July 7, 2015

All About Pure Colloidal Silver

All About Pure Colloidal Silver

by Freida Michael

Optimum health is vital for overall wellness in the present and the future. As such, people really need to rethink their eating habits as well as their exercise habits, which will help to protect themselves against diseases. Below find important information on healthy living, and how <A href="http://gold2live.com">pure colloidal silver</A> can help reduce the risk of illness.

From the mid-1900s or so, consumers have found easy living to be an attractive way of life. Processed foods have made their way into the homes of all people around the world virtually, affecting them in so many ways. First off, even when they cook at home, they have to deal with produce and meats that have been treated with pesticides or grown with numerous hormones. Then there are the packaged foods with all types of preservatives and ingredients that can't even be pronounced. All these could have an adverse effect on people's health.

For the most part, people won't feel any different in their youth. Instead, the poor eating habits will start to rear their ugly heads in people's health conditions when they reach their 50s or 60s. Not only can it affect their physical state, but also their minds. Consider the rise in Alzheimer's and dementia of late, and the frightening forecasts of how it will continue to increase and affect people around the world.

It's also important for people to start exercising or increase the amount of exercise they get on a daily basis. It's just as important as what they eat, as is good restful sleep. Bodies need to be respected and given exactly what they need. A good amount of exercise will reward people when they get older, enabling them to remain independent.

People also have to focus on how to strengthen their immune system. A stronger immune system is what will fend off various diseases and conditions. Eat right, and use vitamins and minerals to supplement the diet, and not the other way around.

However, people can still get sick from different viruses, the common cold and flu. This may require them to take antibiotics, which are effective, but end up killing the good bacteria within the gut. This too is bad for one's health. On the other hand, taking colloidal silver will be effective, without harming the body. The fact is, colloidal silver was the treatment doctors prescribed prior to pharmaceutical antibiotics making their way on the market.

Of course, this liquid, when taken regularly, even without illness, can protect a person from falling ill. It can also be used to fight certain infections, like an ear infection. A few drops directly in the ear can bring the desired results, as would a regular antibiotic therapy. As it is safe to take orally, it is safe to apply directly to the eyes, or in the ears, and has many other uses.

Used wisely, it can truly help, but it should never be overdone. Never take more than the recommended dosage. Doing so could lead to argyria, which is a permanent blue or gray discoloration of the skin, although doesn't pose any serious health problems. Whatever the case, no one wants, for the purpose of their appearance, to be discolored. That said, colloidal silver is a wonderful product when used safely and, with the right kit could be made at home. Better yet, it's available ready-made, ensuring that it's made right.

You can visit <a href="http://gold2live.com">gold2live.com</a> for more helpful information about Healthy Living And Pure Colloidal Silver.

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