Lakeland FL Chiropractor Provides Safe Solutions For Auto Injury Pain Including Whiplash And Back Pain
by Guy Lobdell
When someone is involved in an automobile accident a wide variety of injuries may be the result. Now there are seat belts and air bags to protect them. However, a whiplash injury is common, especially in a rear-end collision. The victim of such a crash may find relief in the office of a leading Lakeland FL Chiropractor.
A whiplash injury is one in which the passengers head is thrust backward, then forward, in rapid succession. As a result, there may be a subluxation of one or more of the seven cervical vertebrae. These are the seven small bones that make up the cervical portion of the spine.
The word subluxation is chiropractic term indicating a misalignment of spinal bones. Whiplash injuries involve the cervical vertebrae in the spinal column. When one small bone presses against a nerve root, the pain can be significant, affecting the victims quality of life.
Chiropractic care provides a non-invasive method to alleviate that pain. Administration of a series of gentle spinal adjustments serves to ease the misplaced vertebrae back into position. This relieves the pressure exerted on the nerve root, which in turn relieves the hurt.
Your first appointment with the chiropractor is used to evaluate the extent of your injuries. Questions about the pain and how long you have had it are going to be asked. A physical exam and range of motion test are performed to decide on the optimal care plan for you.
When spinal adjustments are advisable, a series of office visits will be scheduled for their administration. Corollary care may be added. Massage and possibly a regimen of mild exercises may be helpful. This will maintain flexibility between your office appointments for the adjustments.
A different length of time will be required for each individual to experience improvement. General health condition and age of the client will factor in. One important feature of chiropractic care is that no medication, either over-the-counter or prescription is required. You can rely on your chiropractor to advise you on the optimal method of care in your case.
You can get all-natural and safe hip and knee pain relief through chiropractic care. <a href="">Lakeland FL Chiropractor</a> about a well-respected Lakeland FL chiropractor at now.
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