What The Natural Treatment For MS Means For You
by Jerri Perry
Nerve fibers in the brain, the spinal cord and even the optics are wrapped with insulation layers known as myelin sheath. The layer allows for electrical impulse conduction through the sheath very high speed and high level of accuracy. Any damage to this layer affects the manner in which the transmission takes place. This is the genesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). The nerves of the sensory organs, the spinal cord and those of the brain lose some parches of myelin which disrupts the communication between the brain and other parts body parts. Among the available alternatives out of the condition, natural treatment for MS is quickly gaining popularity.
Although little is known about the root cause and its progression, a lot can now be said when it comes to <A href="http://vitamindmscure.com">natural treatment for MS</A>. These are clinically tried remedies that have proven to worth trying. These remedies primarily rely on total lifestyle change, the alternative therapy and the focus on diet. All the approaches in one way or another target to reduce the rate of myelin depletion manage symptoms and help accelerate the progress of healing.
The complimentary commonly used are the nutritional approach and meditation. Meditation is done to induce relaxation in the entire nervous system which in turn helps in the management of spasms, weakness and loss of motor control making the condition better. The nutritional alternative on the other hands focus on enriching the body with minerals in short supply. In most cases, vitamin D is highly desirable. In fact, the evidences shows that exposure to sun particularly at young age reduces the risks of developing the condition.
The other aspects that have been found to work nutritionally include cutting on protein intake and replacing animal protein with plant protein, increase in intake of omega 3 from fish oil, focus on more vegetable and fruits intake particularly the organically grown ones and eliminating milk and its derivatives from diet. In the same manner, you should focus on ginger, flax, walnut, hemp seeds, turmeric and avoiding polyunsaturated oils.
There is also active supplementation approach where supplements are used to directly increase the minerals and other elements that might be lacking in the body system. The idea is to improve the immune system so that the body can protect itself from myelin sheath destruction. In this category there are several supplements and medicinal herbs that have been used for long.
Other than these, exercises and yoga are other natural ways being exploited in control and management of MS. This however requires about 6 month continuous engagement to be even effective. According to some research the physical activity reduces fatigue which goes long way in managing the condition.
The exercises and yoga are also used although this requires longer duration of time, in most cases, taking up to 6 months. However, at the end of it all, it reduces fatigue and indeed increases the healing process.
There is no conclusion in regards to how natural treatment for MS works. What is known however is that most of the above discussed methods have some significant effect in its management and reduction. Despite, most of the natural alternatives that have to do with diet approach and exercise are completely safe and are completely safe to try out.
<a href="http://vitamindmscure.com">Read more about</a> What The Natural Treatment For MS Means For You.
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