Kinds Of Hearing Evaluation Tests For Younger Generation
by Serena Price
When carrying out a hearing evaluation on your child, the doctor actually performs a full physical examination and dig deep into the medical history of the child. This is not the only way of examining the hearing ability of your child, there are other tests. While some of these tests are applicable to all ages, others are meant for a specific age of a child as well as his ability to understand. Here is a breakdown of various tests done on children with different ages.
A newborn can be evaluated used two types of tests. These tests can be used alone or together. The first test is auditory brainstem response abbreviated as ABR. This test uses wires which are joined to the scalp of the baby using an adhesive. The test is carried out when the baby is asleep to avoid distraction. Clicking sounds are applied through small earphones in the ear of the baby. The test usually measures the brain activity in response to the sounds produced. This test takes only a few minutes and it is painless.
The other examination is known as evoked otoacoustic emissions (EOAE). This test unlike the other one utilizes plugs that are small and flexible into your babies ear. The function of the plugs is to send sounds in the ear. The otoacoustic feedback of the sound made in the ear is recorded by a microphone within the inserted plug. The similarity with the other test is that it is done when the baby is asleep and is also pain free.
Infants are also evaluated using the same tests as the newborn and another test is also used which is referred to as behavioral audiometry. This test is based on observing the behavior of the child in response to certain sounds produced. The physician may also choose to do additional tests if need be.
Moving to toddler stage, two kinds of tests are used here too. To start with, there is visual reinforcement audiometry or VRA. This test involves a child being trained to look at a source of sound and their response is observed. If they respond as expected, then they are rewarded with visual objects like a moving toy flash light. This test is meant for children in the age bracket between 6 months to 2 years.
Toddlers utilize an extra test known as play audiometry. In this examination, electrical equipment is used to transfer varying volumes and pitches inside the toddlers ear. The fun in this test is that it can be in form of a game base on the age group of your child. The child is requested that every time they hear a sound they do an activity with a toy in motion.
A child who is older than 3 or 4 years can be evaluated using Tympanometry test which is also referred to as impendance audiometry. This test is used to determine how the middle ear of the child is working. It does not tell if the child has hear loss or not but it helps to detect any pressure change in the middle ear. The child is required to sit still and not cry, move or talk.
An addition test subjected to <A href="">hearing evaluation</A> in much older children is known as tone audiometry. Electrical equipment is utilized; it produces sounds that have different volume and pitches inside the Childs ear. The child is asked by use their hand in making a response once they hear a sound through an earphone in the equipment.
<a href="">Read more about</a> Kinds Of Hearing Evaluation Tests For Younger Generation.
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