Saturday, December 21, 2013

Laser Treatment For Toenail Fungus

Laser Treatment For Toenail Fungus

by Tiffany Gill

The application of laser treatment for toenail fungus is receiving a great deal of attention and has been recommended by medical practitioners due to the penetrating effects that it can deliver. The changes in technology allow the light and heat therapy to penetrate deep into the cuticle in order to remove the fungal infection that is largely associated with symptoms of discoloration and brittleness. Lasers have been recognized as a relatively modern option that should be assessed in terms of its pros and cons.

While recently published data has shown a fair amount of relief with the use of lasers, it is important to discuss the options available with a medical practitioner. A physical exam will be required to determine the extent of the infection and whether laser therapy is a good choice to remove the discolored nailbeds. Such measures will aid in facilitating new growth that is free from fungal agents.

Lasers are often a better choice for people who do not wish to take oral medications and experience the side effects of pills. Exposure to public areas including pools and gyms are more likely to contribute to an infection resulting in a large number of people experiencing symptoms. It is necessary to discuss options and to evaluate the costs involved as these alternatives can become quite pricey.

Initially the infection may only need to be treated for aesthetic purposes, but over time it will contribute to increased discoloration and poor growth of nails. The medications that are available for treatment include a number of adverse effects including the possibility of liver damage. Topical applications have not show favorable results because it cannot penetrate into the nailbed.

The use of lasers is a more costly option, but offers a number of benefits allowing one to achieve favorable results in a relatively shorter time. The practitioner will advise on the number of sessions required to achieve normal appearance and growth. Such methods have been shown to deliver effective elimination of fungal agents when guided by a practitioner.

Reliance on modern technology will assist in applying light therapy to eliminate the presence of the fungal agent. Treatment may last for 30 to 40 minutes depending on the severity of the infection and to address all ten toes. An increase in the complexity of symptoms will require four sessions to complete and should be used in combination with good hygiene practice.

The efficiency of lasers will be determined by the type of technology that is used for therapy. There are lasers able to eliminate the fungus while others will inhibit its growth and allow the natural immunity of the body to remove the remaining infection. The approach can be used in conjunction with anti-fungal sprays and the practice of regular hygiene.

<A href="">Laser treatment for toenail fungus</A> is receiving increased attention in terms of the efficacy that it can provide for eliminating the agent. It is important that patients understand the importance of hygiene and protecting bare feet while out in public areas. Assessing the options available can aid in making a more informed and beneficial choice.

You can visit the website <a href=""></a> for more helpful information about Laser Treatment For Toenail Fungus And Recovery

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