Sunday, December 22, 2013

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Four Very Best Home Cures To Eliminate Cellulite

How To Get Rid Of Cellulite - Four Very Best Home Cures To Eliminate Cellulite

by Sid Romos

Many people have cellulites and do not know that there are ways you can use to effectively improve the skin. Cellulites are fat mixed with water and toxins found under the skin. These combinations harm the collagen and also affect the connective tissues creating a dimpling look on the skin which is then referred to as cellulite.

Many factors may give rise to this condition. Among the most common causes of cellulite include poor diet, imbalance of hormones, weight gain, lack of or insufficient exercises, genetic factors and inactive lifestyle. Caution should always be exercised when selecting a method of treatment as there many scammers out offering ineffective and otherwise harmful treatment methods. However, for your sake, there are several natural ways that can help eliminate cellulite.

Exercise - Doing exercises like aerobics, cycling, and yoga will effectively improve the connective tissues since the activity will make you burn off excess fats. You can also start doing strength training at least three times a week, this will be effective since it will help build muscle which will help in improving body composition.

A good diet supplemented with effective forms of exercises is a sure way of getting rid of cellulite. A diet of fresh green vegetables with enough water can help achieve this. Also, one should avoid taking fatty foods, excess carbohydrates and salts as they normally results to inflammation of the fat cells. A diet rich in vitamin B and fiber is usually recommended for the condition.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is a sure way of reducing the effects of cellulite. A sedentary lifestyle should be avoided as it is prone to weight gain and fat. Also coffee, taking of cigarettes and alcohol may lead to the development of the condition. Smoking, though not necessarily linked to cellulite formation, can intensify the appearance of cellulite due to the toxins that it leaves in the body. These usually affects the lymphatic system, which in turn forces out the toxins thereby resulting to cellulite.

Fluid retention has also been known to be one of the major contributors of cellulite. However, this can be contained by taking enough water and preserving a strict diet regime. Also, effective physical exercise and adopting a healthy lifestyle can help alleviate the problem. These are usually effective as they help in eliminating toxins through the kidneys and other body organs.

Massage - There are massages that are specifically meant to reduce cellulite, and this is where the spa falls under. These massages include the use of mechanical roller and lymphatic drainage massage, which mainly aim at getting rid of cellulite through draining fluids and enhance connective tissues functionality.

Laser treatments have been known to lessen the pain of traditional cellulite surgical procedures. There are two types of laser treatments commonly used by cosmetic surgeons and medical practitioners: TriActive and the VelaSmooth light-therapy. TriActive laser therapy combines low-level light treatments with suction treatment of affected skin. The VelaSmooth type of therapy combines laser and massage therapy for effective treatment of cellulite.

Collagenase - This is the presence of enzyme in the body which helps in breaking down collagen that binds tissues. Injection has been shown by studies to effectively help in getting rid of cellulite. This method is however still under trial and it has shown that is can be effective but further studies are still being conducted to make sure that there are no severe side effects or any other reason that may make this method not appropriate. It is however expected that it will be the best way of how to get rid of cellulite in the future.

In conclusion, elimination of cellulite, though difficult, can easily be achieved by employing one of the aforementioned methods that will guarantee good results.

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